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Writer's picturedanaarmstrongwrites

A Day in the Life - Quarantine Style

Most of us are stuck inside right now. It's a trying time for the entire world. We are traversing new ground, getting used to our new normals for a while, and trying to make the best of things. Whatever it is you're doing to pass the time, I think our nature to be curious leads us to wonder how others are doing it.

So, in case you're interested, here's how my family is doing it.

I'm making use of this time to continue my writing career. I did a post a while back about changing my kanban board to something that better fits the way I work. This is the result of that. I love it because it sits directly behind my desk and I can just swivel around to view my plan. Absolutely love it.

There's a lot of plotting and writing going on right now. Not that there isn't usually, but it's a good time to begin focusing on some of the other projects I've had waiting in the wings.

Since my hubby is now working from home, a lot of our "honey-do" things are getting done! This is a shelf he built in our hallway. He ship-lapped the wall, then put together the pipe shelving. He cut the wood shelves and lacquered them. We think it looks awesome.

I like to play games when I'm just relaxing, after working. For me, it's a way to relax and escape. I find that playing Scrabble increases my vocabulary, too, which can only do me justice in my writing career. Do you play games online? I'd love to know which ones!

Even celebrities are finding ways to pass the time. Check it out.

Stay safe and healthy! Wash your hands. And don't hoard.

Check out my Instagram story for more pics!

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