This book has been years in the making. I started writing it when my older girls, now in their mid-twenties, were teens. This was around the time that Twilight hit the market like a hurricane. Not wanting to follow in those footsteps, I decided to put it aside.
When I started my Master's program in Creative Writing, I had to chose a story for my thesis novel. Encouraged by my family, I pulled this one out again. At that time, I only referred to it as "the vampire book." It took me a while to decide between this book and another one I had been working on (a historical romance set in WWII France). I settled on this one due to the paranormal nature of it - which I love!
And, voila! Here it is!

I've been working with this cover and title for a while now. About a year an a half! I knew the cover needed some work but I had pretty much planned to stick with the title. There were a couple of other books with the same title with a couple of small variations and I was encouraged to keep it. However, a few days ago, I came across another book that's been recently published with the same title. So, the decision was made for me.
I had to change it.
After consulting with my husband - I bounce a lot of ideas off him - and my critique partners, I found a title I love.
I also reworked the cover - a LOT! It now looks nothing like it did for several reasons that I won't bore you with. Long story short.... here is the NEW title and cover reveal!

I love the look of it and hope you do too!
Very soon, I will begin sending out information about pre-orders and official publication date! Keep your ears to the ground for that.
I want to thank my daughters, Leah and Elizabeth, for encouraging me to finish this one. And my husband and other daughter, Ainsley, for being my cheering squad and sounding board through the process. I couldn't have done it without them!
Onward to publication!
Thanks for reading!
