I'm a plotter. All the way. My writing process involves mapping out and planning every aspect of my story. I have scoured the internet for resources on character development, plot development, scene development, etc. etc. etc. There are many great resources out there and I've used a few of them. But, I usually take one or two things from one system and add it to another system to fulfill what I need.
Ultimately, I decided to jump in with both feet and create my own writer's planner. And I loved it so much that I didn't want to keep it for myself. I wanted to offer it other writers because it's been such a valuable tool for me, that I thought others would benefit from it, too.
I'm still working on a few things but here's a sneak peek:
This chart is used to jot down story ideas. You can make as many copies as you need and keep track of them easily. In the planner, I include other story idea methods.
This next worksheet has been so incredibly helpful for me. Here's a sample of my 4-page character development sheet! I use these for both my main characters and secondary characters.
The planner will also include extensive scene plotting using FIVE different methods, worksheets for working out the title of your book, the setting and time period, cover art concepts, premise worksheets, word count and sprints trackers, NaNo worksheets, and more!
Let me tell you.... IT'S CHOCK FULL!
I'm finishing things up so if you're interested, the planner should be done by the end of summer or early fall! I can hardly wait to share it with you.
Until then,
Happy Writing!